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2.6 Malthusian Theory and Geography

3 min readjanuary 5, 2023


Edmund Scanlan


Edmund Scanlan

Malthusian Theory and Its Impact

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was a British economist and demographer. That is someone who studies the characteristics of a population. He lived during the Industrial Revolution, while the population in Britain continued to rise.

In his most famous work, ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population,’ he theorized that the population was growing geometrically, while food production only grew arithmetically (see below). This would cause famine, pestilence, and revolution if unchecked.

photo taken from

Effects of the Malthusian theory:

His theory was ultimately incorrect for a couple of reasons:

  • Second, the population did not continue to rise at the same rate. Britain was in stage two of the DTM and Malthus could not foresee future stages.

  • Third, he couldn't predict advancement in technology and the development of agriculture

When the Irish Potato Famine broke out (1845-1849) the British used Malthusian Theory as the reason for not helping the Irish and denying them outside resources. Millions died or were forced to migrate. The British also called for more abstinence among the Irish as the population had been rising quickly prior to the famine.

Why is Malthusian Theory still studied if it is incorrect?

The dystopian future Malthus predicted did not come true. However, his theory has long-standing effects and brought up issues we are still dealing with today. In the 20th century when the population in the developing world (Latin America, Africa, Asia) was booming, his theory became relevant again.

People feared that with the population of the world increasing so quickly that the world’s resources would be diminished. These people were referred to as Neo-Malthusians, those who advocated for strict control of the population to not deplete the world’s limited resources. Some examples of countries where neo-Malthusian perspectives have been influential include the United States, the United Kingdom, and India.

Some of these people, like Stanford biologists Paul Ehrlich and Stuart Brand, began calling for the wide use of contraceptives and for families to have only two children.

Opposition Theories

Another theory that was developed in the middle of the 20th century was the Cornucopian Theory. This states that as the population grows so will agricultural output. As simple as this sounds, it has so far been correct. Today, fewer people die of starvation than 500 years ago!

Effects of the Cornucopian theory:

The Cornucopian Theory is also controversial and has been challenged by those who believe there are limits to the planet's resources and resource consumption ad population growth must be managed in a sustainable way.

Ester Boserup, a Danish economist, believed with more people, we will have more problem solvers and better innovation. 

Today with climate change and fewer resources available every day, let's hope that the Cornucopian Theory is correct and the Malthusian one is not.

🎥 Watch: AP HUG - Malthusian Theory

Key Terms to Review (27)

Agricultural Output

: Agricultural output refers to the quantity or amount of agricultural products produced within a specific period.

An Essay on the Principle of Population

: A book written by Thomas Malthus in 1798, which postulates that while population grows geometrically, food production increases arithmetically. This imbalance would lead to overpopulation and shortage of resources.

Arithmetic Growth

: A sequence where each term after the first is obtained by adding a constant difference to the preceding term. It's a linear growth over time.


: Contraceptives are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

Cornucopian Theory

: The Cornucopian Theory is an optimistic viewpoint that believes human ingenuity can solve any resource scarcity issues we may face in the future.

Decreased Quality of Life

: A decline in the overall well-being and satisfaction derived from life, often due to factors such as poor health, lack of access to basic services, or economic instability.


: A scientist who studies human populations, including their size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.

DTM (Demographic Transition Model)

: A model that describes population change over time. It is based on observations about changes in birth and death rates as societies modernize from pre-industrial times to present day.

Economic Growth

: Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period. It's usually measured as the percentage increase in real gross domestic product (GDP).

Environmental Conservation

: This refers to the practice of protecting natural resources such as plants, animals, and ecosystems from destruction or pollution. It involves sustainable management strategies that aim to preserve biodiversity while meeting human needs.

Environmental Degradation

: Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the natural environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; extinction of wildlife; and pollution.

Ester Boserup

: Ester Boserup was an economist who proposed theories about agricultural development and population growth. She suggested that increasing population would lead to innovations in technology which could increase food production capacity (Boserup's Theory).


: Famine is extreme scarcity of food in a region leading to widespread malnutrition and death due to starvation and disease.

Geometric Growth

: A pattern of numbers generated when each term is multiplied by a constant factor, often seen in populations where each individual produces more than one offspring.

Greater Social and Economic Equality

: This refers to a state in society where there is a fair distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a population. It aims to reduce or eliminate gaps in income levels, access to resources, and social status.

Improved Quality of Life

: Improved quality of life refers to enhancements in various aspects such as physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs and their relationship with salient features of their environment that lead to overall well-being.

Increased Innovation

: Increased innovation means coming up with new ideas or methods that improve upon existing ones. It often leads to advancements in technology, business practices, and societal structures.

Industrial Revolution

: A period from 1750 to 1850 where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain.

Irish Potato Famine

: An event that occurred between 1845-1852 where potato crops failed repeatedly leading to mass starvation and emigration from Ireland due its heavy dependence on potatoes for sustenance.


: Neo-Malthusians are individuals or groups who apply the principles of Thomas Malthus, an 18th-century British economist, to modern issues. They believe that population growth will outpace agricultural production and lead to global crises such as famine and disease.


: Overpopulation occurs when a species' population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. It essentially means there are too many individuals for the available resources.

Paul Ehrlich

: Paul Ehrlich is an American biologist known for his warnings about overpopulation and limited resources on Earth. He wrote "The Population Bomb," which predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and resource scarcity.


: Pestilence refers to a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.


: Poverty refers to the state of being extremely poor, with a lack of basic human needs such as food, clean water, clothing, shelter, health care and education due to insufficient income or resources.


: A revolution is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period when the population rises up against their government.

Stuart Brand

: Stuart Brand is an American writer, best known as editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, a counterculture magazine focused on self-sufficiency, ecology and do-it-yourself (DIY) techniques. He promotes environmentalism and sustainable living.

Thomas Malthus

: An English economist and demographer who proposed that while population grows geometrically, food production increases arithmetically, leading to overpopulation and resource scarcity.

2.6 Malthusian Theory and Geography

3 min readjanuary 5, 2023


Edmund Scanlan


Edmund Scanlan

Malthusian Theory and Its Impact

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was a British economist and demographer. That is someone who studies the characteristics of a population. He lived during the Industrial Revolution, while the population in Britain continued to rise.

In his most famous work, ‘An Essay on the Principle of Population,’ he theorized that the population was growing geometrically, while food production only grew arithmetically (see below). This would cause famine, pestilence, and revolution if unchecked.

photo taken from

Effects of the Malthusian theory:

His theory was ultimately incorrect for a couple of reasons:

  • Second, the population did not continue to rise at the same rate. Britain was in stage two of the DTM and Malthus could not foresee future stages.

  • Third, he couldn't predict advancement in technology and the development of agriculture

When the Irish Potato Famine broke out (1845-1849) the British used Malthusian Theory as the reason for not helping the Irish and denying them outside resources. Millions died or were forced to migrate. The British also called for more abstinence among the Irish as the population had been rising quickly prior to the famine.

Why is Malthusian Theory still studied if it is incorrect?

The dystopian future Malthus predicted did not come true. However, his theory has long-standing effects and brought up issues we are still dealing with today. In the 20th century when the population in the developing world (Latin America, Africa, Asia) was booming, his theory became relevant again.

People feared that with the population of the world increasing so quickly that the world’s resources would be diminished. These people were referred to as Neo-Malthusians, those who advocated for strict control of the population to not deplete the world’s limited resources. Some examples of countries where neo-Malthusian perspectives have been influential include the United States, the United Kingdom, and India.

Some of these people, like Stanford biologists Paul Ehrlich and Stuart Brand, began calling for the wide use of contraceptives and for families to have only two children.

Opposition Theories

Another theory that was developed in the middle of the 20th century was the Cornucopian Theory. This states that as the population grows so will agricultural output. As simple as this sounds, it has so far been correct. Today, fewer people die of starvation than 500 years ago!

Effects of the Cornucopian theory:

The Cornucopian Theory is also controversial and has been challenged by those who believe there are limits to the planet's resources and resource consumption ad population growth must be managed in a sustainable way.

Ester Boserup, a Danish economist, believed with more people, we will have more problem solvers and better innovation. 

Today with climate change and fewer resources available every day, let's hope that the Cornucopian Theory is correct and the Malthusian one is not.

🎥 Watch: AP HUG - Malthusian Theory

Key Terms to Review (27)

Agricultural Output

: Agricultural output refers to the quantity or amount of agricultural products produced within a specific period.

An Essay on the Principle of Population

: A book written by Thomas Malthus in 1798, which postulates that while population grows geometrically, food production increases arithmetically. This imbalance would lead to overpopulation and shortage of resources.

Arithmetic Growth

: A sequence where each term after the first is obtained by adding a constant difference to the preceding term. It's a linear growth over time.


: Contraceptives are methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

Cornucopian Theory

: The Cornucopian Theory is an optimistic viewpoint that believes human ingenuity can solve any resource scarcity issues we may face in the future.

Decreased Quality of Life

: A decline in the overall well-being and satisfaction derived from life, often due to factors such as poor health, lack of access to basic services, or economic instability.


: A scientist who studies human populations, including their size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.

DTM (Demographic Transition Model)

: A model that describes population change over time. It is based on observations about changes in birth and death rates as societies modernize from pre-industrial times to present day.

Economic Growth

: Economic growth is the increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period. It's usually measured as the percentage increase in real gross domestic product (GDP).

Environmental Conservation

: This refers to the practice of protecting natural resources such as plants, animals, and ecosystems from destruction or pollution. It involves sustainable management strategies that aim to preserve biodiversity while meeting human needs.

Environmental Degradation

: Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the natural environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; extinction of wildlife; and pollution.

Ester Boserup

: Ester Boserup was an economist who proposed theories about agricultural development and population growth. She suggested that increasing population would lead to innovations in technology which could increase food production capacity (Boserup's Theory).


: Famine is extreme scarcity of food in a region leading to widespread malnutrition and death due to starvation and disease.

Geometric Growth

: A pattern of numbers generated when each term is multiplied by a constant factor, often seen in populations where each individual produces more than one offspring.

Greater Social and Economic Equality

: This refers to a state in society where there is a fair distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a population. It aims to reduce or eliminate gaps in income levels, access to resources, and social status.

Improved Quality of Life

: Improved quality of life refers to enhancements in various aspects such as physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs and their relationship with salient features of their environment that lead to overall well-being.

Increased Innovation

: Increased innovation means coming up with new ideas or methods that improve upon existing ones. It often leads to advancements in technology, business practices, and societal structures.

Industrial Revolution

: A period from 1750 to 1850 where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transport had a profound effect on the socioeconomic and cultural conditions in Britain.

Irish Potato Famine

: An event that occurred between 1845-1852 where potato crops failed repeatedly leading to mass starvation and emigration from Ireland due its heavy dependence on potatoes for sustenance.


: Neo-Malthusians are individuals or groups who apply the principles of Thomas Malthus, an 18th-century British economist, to modern issues. They believe that population growth will outpace agricultural production and lead to global crises such as famine and disease.


: Overpopulation occurs when a species' population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. It essentially means there are too many individuals for the available resources.

Paul Ehrlich

: Paul Ehrlich is an American biologist known for his warnings about overpopulation and limited resources on Earth. He wrote "The Population Bomb," which predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and resource scarcity.


: Pestilence refers to a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.


: Poverty refers to the state of being extremely poor, with a lack of basic human needs such as food, clean water, clothing, shelter, health care and education due to insufficient income or resources.


: A revolution is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period when the population rises up against their government.

Stuart Brand

: Stuart Brand is an American writer, best known as editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, a counterculture magazine focused on self-sufficiency, ecology and do-it-yourself (DIY) techniques. He promotes environmentalism and sustainable living.

Thomas Malthus

: An English economist and demographer who proposed that while population grows geometrically, food production increases arithmetically, leading to overpopulation and resource scarcity.

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